
What we work on

We help our members with responses to major events that require urgent humanitarian assistance through advocacy.

We convene humanitarian organisations to decide positions and to influence governments and policy makers.

We advocate for significant investment in humanitarian assistance, including climate mitigation and other long-term crises.

The impact our work has

We have convened, coordinated and taken the lead on a number of responses and calls for help on humanitarian issues, both for natural disasters and for those effected by conflict.

We are advocates for those involved in conflict to strictly follow humanitarian and international law, and push for aid to reach any civilians affected and living in war zones.

We believe that there is power in numbers when it comes to advocating for humanitarian causes, and always work closely with members and working groups, letting the experts and those working in affected regions dictate need.

Souls not numbers: the human cost of failed international law

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The human cost of failed international law

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Understanding the basics of International Humanitarian Law

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If you have any questions about our work on UK aid, please get in touch.

Get involved

Join the Humanitarian Working Group

Ensure humanitarian assistance reaches civilians during responses to natural disasters and conflict.

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Join the Conflict Policy Working Group

Analyse debate and share experiences of UK policy on conflict and security.

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Blogs and resources

We have a wealth of blogs and resources on humanitarian issues, and regularly host events and webinars on the subject.