The Good Enough Guide

1 January 2007Oxfam



A set of basic guidelines for field workers on how to be accountable to local people and measure programme impact in emergency situations.

Its good enough” approach emphasises simple and practical solutions and encourages the user to choose tools that are safe, quick, and easy to implement. It is aimed at humanitarian practitioners, project officers and managers with some experience in the field.

The Good Enough Guide was developed by the Emergency Capacity Building Project (ECB). The ECB is a collaborative effort by CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, the International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, Oxfam GB, Save the Children, and World Vision International.

Resource type: guide

Resource application: use for obtaining feedback from beneficiaries (p. 21-25 and practical tools showing ‘how to’ obtain feedback). International development specific.

Low skills – easy to understand and follow, and specifically adapted to emergency contexts and applicability endorsed by organisations working in such settings.

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