#PartnershipWorks social media toolkit
Social mediaThemes
UK aidA selection of images and statistics showing the value of multilateral partnerships when working on development issues like health, education and climate change.
There are two sizes for each image, one optimised for Twitter and one for Facebook.
The hashtag is #PartnershipWorks
Other relevant development hashtags can also be included – #UKaid, #GlobalDev, #SDGs etc
Please feel free to write your own accompanying text to suit your organisation and work! These are just a few suggestions.
Download all the images here: https://we.tl/t-22wDtxsaYY (expires 20 March)
#PartnershipWorks images
Image 1 – vaccination

Click here to download Twitter version.
Click here to download Facebook version.
Potential accompanying text: Working with global partners like WHO and UNICEF saves lives. We’re so close to eradicating polio – only 30 years ago there were 350,000 cases, now there are just a handful worldwide #PartnershipWorks
Image 2 – expanding aid’s reach

Click here to download Twitter version.
Click here to download Facebook version.
Potential accompanying text: 34 million more children have attended school in low- and middle-income countries since 2000, thanks to governments and donors working together to invest in teachers and provide good quality education for all #PartnershipWorks
Potential accompanying text: Working with organisations like the UN and global health and education funds means #UKaid can have a bigger impact and reach people it might not otherwise be able to #PartnershipWorks
Image 3 – children reaching 5th birthday

Click here to download Twitter version.
Click here to download Facebook version.
Potential accompanying text: Millions of children have better survival chances when governments and donors invest in universal health coverage and work with multilateral organisations like WHO to tackle problems together #PartnershipWorks
Image 4 – global platforms

Click here to download Twitter version.
Click here to download Facebook version.
Potential accompanying text: #PartnershipWorks because organisations like the World Health Organisation, the UN and global funds can go beyond national barriers and provide global leadership on issues like disease, climate change and education
Potential accompanying text: #PartnershipWorks because global platforms have made big strides in getting more girls into school, tackling gender inequality and helping communities out of poverty
Image 5 – better outcomes

Click here to download Twitter version.
Click here to download Facebook version.
Potential accompanying text: Thanks to funding through the Global Partnership for Education an extra 238,000 teachers were trained in 2016 #PartnershipWorks
Potential accompanying text: Pooling resources means you can get better value for money – Gavi has reduced the cost of some vaccines by 43% since 2010 which has helped save the lives of millions of children #PartnershipWorks