Taking British politics and colonialism out of our language
Our depoliticised and decolonised language guide, which states phrases we will no longer use and the alternative language we are adopting
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.
5 December 2021 • Maryam Mohsin
Our depoliticised and decolonised language guide, which states phrases we will no longer use and the alternative language we are adopting
1 December 2021 • Commonwealth Education Trust
A range of free and affordable courses to help improve teaching standards across the world.
25 November 2021 • Bond and StoneX
This session covered key considerations to take into account when choosing a foreign exchange provider.
18 November 2021 • Bond and Cigna
2 November 2021 • Bond and MZN International
This webinar recording hosted with MZN international is a discussion about what it really means organisations considering mergers.
27 October 2021 • Bond and MzN International
This was the first in a 3-part webinar series exploring agile management for NGOs with MzN International.
18 October 2021 • Bond Disability and Development Group
The UK has an opportunity to ensure and facilitate transformative global change for all persons, including those with disabilities, through the COP26 Presidency year, and beyond it.
5 October 2021 • Bond and Climate Action Network International
This webinar was the second in a two-part series. In this webinar Climate Action Network discussed their role in mobilising civil society in global climate processes, including COP26.
5 October 2021 • Bond
This was the first in a two part series. This webinar gave an overview of the shared UK advocacy asks ahead of the COP26.