
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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Working in partnership: round table event

28 July 2021 • 

This round table event shared learning around working in partnership and about managing long term change with local and national NGOs.

Nature-based solutions in action: Lessons from the frontline

27 July 2021 • 

From a farmers' seed network in China that supports agroecology by conserving traditional seeds, to large-scale watershed management in glacial mountain ecosystems in Peru, this report highlights successful nature-based solutions.

The Glasgow Action Plan 2021: COP26 asks to the UK government

15 July 2021 • 

High ambition, stronger short-term action, equitable participation, and climate justice must be put at the heart of COP26, and all nations must come with renewed ambition to limit climate change, restore nature, and make our societies more equal.

Bond SDG Group: One Health Learning Session

25 June 2021

This session gave a basic understanding of what One Health is with some key asks for governments under the SDG framework, showing how it links to sustainability and what it looks like in action on the ground.