Progress report 1: Supporting Grand Bargain signatories in meeting commitments to greater transparency
This report reviews the progress made by the transparency workstream and Grand Bargain signatories in meeting their transparency commitments.
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.
13 June 2018 • Development Initiatives
This report reviews the progress made by the transparency workstream and Grand Bargain signatories in meeting their transparency commitments.
6 June 2018 • Bond
In May 2018 Bond submitted a response to the Office for Civil Society as part of their consultation on the Civil Society Strategy.
15 May 2018 • Directory for Social Change
A toolkit for testing the independence of the Charity Commission
4 May 2018 • DFID
These guidelines will help organisations receiving DFID funding to publish to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) open data standard.
4 May 2018 • Bond
This paper lays out what inclusive economic development means and discusses three areas of work to strengthen the impacts of economic development work.
23 March 2018 • Bond, Superflux, UNDP, Nesta
A fictional, speculative development organisation was unveiled at the Bond Conference, but many of its innovative approaches and features are becoming real.
15 March 2018 • Together2030
This study analyses the Voluntary National Reviews and a sample of civil society reports produced in 2017 for the High Level Political Forum, identifying best practice and providing recommendations.
21 February 2018 • ICAI
This report from ICAI finds that DFID's approach to value for money helps to make UK aid spending go further, but there is room for improvement.
3 February 2018 • Nonprofit Tech for Good
This report examines how NGOs worldwide use technology to engage their donors and supporters.