
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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UK Aid Connect: progress and processes

26 September 2018 • 

This update for Bond members from DFID covers the background to UK Aid Connect, the results of the call for proposals and next steps.

Peace Perceptions Poll 2018

20 September 2018 • 

International Alert asked more than 100,000 people in 15 countries - from those in active conflicts to those in relative peace - about their views on peace and conflict.

Learning to make a difference

20 September 2018 • 

This paper is the product of a multi-year collaboration between ODI and the core team of Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive or trial-and-error approaches to the field of governance, peace building and human rights.

Stitching Up Poverty podcast series

20 September 2018 • 

Y Care International's podcast series shares learnings from a project working with women in Sindh, Pakistan.

International aid in brief

19 September 2018 • 

This accessible briefing for MPs covers essential information on UK aid, explaining what it is, how it is spent and why it is so important in the fight to eradicate extreme poverty.

The Commitment to Development Index 2018

18 September 2018 • 

The Commitment to Development Index ranks 27 of the world's richest countries on their dedication to policies that benefit people living in poorer nations.