
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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Ensuring civil society has a voice

19 November 2019

This joint manifesto calls on the next government to create an enabling environment for civil society advocacy and campaigning in the UK.

Putting the people in the pictures first

19 November 2019 • 

Guidance on the process of filming, photography and interviewing, as well as the selection and use of images and stories by NGOs.

What do politicians really think of aid?

10 November 2019

Experts use their insights and experiences of parliamentary advocacy to breakdown how much British political parties support international development.

Is the international NGO system broken?

17 September 2019

Despite talk of sustainable and locally-led development, international NGOs still haven't redressed the imbalance of power, resources and funds that exists between northern and local organisations.

The Sphere Handbook 2018

6 July 2019 • 

The most widely known and internationally recognized tool in the field of humanitarian standards. The latest edition reflects new evidence and evolving practice in the humanitarian sector