Are “agile organisations” faring better during Covid-19?
Webinar recording on new organisational models as we adapt to more agile ways of working during the Covid-19 crisis.
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.
8 July 2020 • Bond and MZN International
Webinar recording on new organisational models as we adapt to more agile ways of working during the Covid-19 crisis.
8 July 2020 • Bond and CHS Alliance
Free webinar recording on mental health issues in the INGO sector and how leaders can nurture compassionate organisational cultures.
5 July 2020 • Bond and MZN International
Webinar recording on the latest funding opportunities during Covid-19.
30 June 2020 • Bond and Civicus
This webinar recording explores the recent developments in civic space, hearing from experts as well as practitioners working in the Global South.
30 June 2020 • Bond and MZN International
Free webinar recording on what to prioritise in this uncertain time and what you can do instead of restructuring and remote working.
30 June 2020 • Bond and The Partnering Initiative
A study of the key trends shaping humanitarian and development partnerships, and how INGOs are responding to these changes.
22 June 2020
Nearly 200 humanitarian aid and development charities call on PM to reverse decision to merge DFID with FCO. Here's what they said.
19 June 2020 • Bond and Buzzacott
In partnership with Buzzacott LLP, we present the first webinar recording in a series of new work exploring governance principles, challenges and structure in the INGO sector.
19 June 2020 • Bond and others
Webinar recording of a two hour workshop to explore the current challenges and opportunities brought out by the Covid-19 pandemic.