Challenges of cross-sector partnering
A webinar recording put together to launch our report with TPI looking at trends in cross-sector partnering.
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.
25 August 2020 • Bond and TPI
A webinar recording put together to launch our report with TPI looking at trends in cross-sector partnering.
20 August 2020 • Bond and MZN International
Free webinar recording on how to build philanthropic partnerships during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, hosted with MZN International.
31 July 2020 • Bond
This toolkit provides a set of principles and a description of the core elements of a safeguarding report-handling mechanism.
28 July 2020 • Bond
This paper outlines 15 principles for the new Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to ensure it embraces opportunities for greater policy coherence across government and strategic action.
28 July 2020 • Bond Mental Health and Psychosocial Disability Group
We need to invest in integrating mental health as a core part of Covid-19 response: to provide emergency care for populations impacted by Covid-19; to "build back better" and improve care delivery following the pandemic.
27 July 2020 • Nesta and Save the Children
This report is the first of its kind to describe how third sector organisations and startups can work together for mutual benefit.
23 July 2020 • Bond and MZN International
Free webinar recording on the latest funding opportunities and donor strategies, including DFID, USAID, the EU and UN, hosted with MZN International.
23 July 2020 • Bond
For the world to build back better there must be effective and timely tackling of parallel, inter-linked crises exacerbated by Covid-19 - humanitarian, socio-economic, and the climate emergency.
8 July 2020 • Bond and Buzzacott
In partnership with Buzzacott LLP, we present the next webinar recording in a series of new work exploring governance principles, challenges and structure in the INGO sector.