
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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Challenges of cross-sector partnering

25 August 2020 • 

A webinar recording put together to launch our report with TPI looking at trends in cross-sector partnering.

Safeguarding report-handling toolkit

31 July 2020 • 

This toolkit provides a set of principles and a description of the core elements of a safeguarding report-handling mechanism.

Covid-19 and mental health: immediate and long-term impacts

28 July 2020 • 

We need to invest in integrating mental health as a core part of Covid-19 response: to provide emergency care for populations impacted by Covid-19; to "build back better" and improve care delivery following the pandemic.

Institutional funding during and after Covid-19

23 July 2020 • 

Free webinar recording on the latest funding opportunities and donor strategies, including DFID, USAID, the EU and UN, hosted with MZN International.

Achieving effective governance in partnerships

8 July 2020 • 

In partnership with Buzzacott LLP, we present the next webinar recording in a series of new work exploring governance principles, challenges and structure in the INGO sector.