Setting a new Course: Principles and recommendations for the UK’s international development strategy
This paper sets out a vision for international development in 2030 and a path to get there.
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.
19 July 2021
This paper sets out a vision for international development in 2030 and a path to get there.
15 July 2021 • Climate Action Network UK, The Climate Coalition, and Bond
High ambition, stronger short-term action, equitable participation, and climate justice must be put at the heart of COP26, and all nations must come with renewed ambition to limit climate change, restore nature, and make our societies more equal.
7 July 2021 • Bond
This report summarises work carried out between August 2020 and April 2021 to create a more equitable and sustainable development system through locally-led development.
25 June 2021
This session gave a basic understanding of what One Health is with some key asks for governments under the SDG framework, showing how it links to sustainability and what it looks like in action on the ground.
24 June 2021 • Bond and WILD Action Research
Insights and reflection from women leaders in development, including case studies from five NGOs that have taken steps to change
17 June 2021
Research into racialised communities’ experiences of working in development, the barriers they face to career progression and recommendations for organisations to become anti-racist.
5 June 2021 • Bond and A4ID
A webinar to discuss employment law issues and what it means for your organisation.
26 May 2021 • The Reality of Aid Network
This report sets out a narrative in support of a transformative shift in the international aid system taking stock of persisting global crises.
18 May 2021 • Bond and others
Case studies from 10 successful UK campaigns, as well as trends restricting civil society campaigning and recommendations for UK government to protect the right to campaign.