Action Learning Sets

1 January 2004Bond

Action learning sets are one approach that can be used to foster learning in the workplace.

They have been used by a number of organisations in the NGO sector in recent years. The emphasis is on learning from experience and then acting on that learning. This resource describes the Action Learning cycle with tips and a step-by step guide on how to use the methodology and the experience of organisations that have used it.

Resource type: guide

Resource application: Indicator (b) – use for developing systematic approach to learning and reflection to generate evidence of progress Indicator (d) – use to ensure learning from M&E feeds into decisions and action at different levels. Specific to international development.

Low skills. Very relevant to Bond members and presented in readable format. Derived from a methodology established in the 1940s and applied to many different organisations in the public and private sector. Bond has been promoting this approach to learning in the development sector in 2002.

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