Kate Sayer to step down as Bond Chair

After nearly five years in her role as Chair of the Board of Trustees at Bond, Kate Sayer will be stepping down in November 2024.  

Kate joined Bond in November 2019, and played a crucial role supporting the Board, Bond and our members through the pandemic, the merger of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department for International Development (DFID) and the dramatic cuts in the UK aid budget. Kate has also led the Board’s thinking on Bond’s work to re-imagine the sector and recently supported the transition of Bond’s CEO, welcoming Romilly Greenhill at the end of 2023.  

Romilly Greenhill, Bond CEO, said:

Kate has been a fantastic Chair and it has been brilliant to work with her as I transitioned into the CEO role at Bond. Kate’s expertise and wisdom on finance, governance and management has been a huge asset to Bond and our members. On behalf of Bond staff and all our members, I’d like to thank Kate for going above and beyond to support us, she will be much missed!

Kate Sayer, outgoing Chair of the Bond Board of Trustees, said:  

It has been an honour to serve as Bond’s Chair for nearly five years. Bond is such a vibrant network and together we are working on re-imagining our sector. I have loved working with our fabulous trustees on the Board and a great staff team. Working together and supporting each other, we have achieved so much and Bond is well-placed to face the next wave of opportunities and challenges.


Notes for editors

  • Kate will end her tenure at Bond’s Annual General Meeting in November.
  • Bond is the UK network for international development and humanitarian organisations. Founded in 1993, Bond unites and supports a diverse network of over 350 civil society organisations from across the UK, and allies to help eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.   
  • For further information or interviews, please contact Jess Salter, Media Adviser at Bond at [email protected] or call 07392972411.