ICAI review of UK aid to Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover – Bond reaction

Today, Thursday 18 May, the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has released a new review on the UK’s humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan since the Taliban take over in 2021. This is an update of its review published last year which assessed UK aid to Afghanistan between 2014 and 2021. 

In reaction to ICAI’s report, Stephanie Draper, Chief Executive at Bond said: 

The UK is turning its back on the people of Afghanistan who are facing a worsening humanitarian crisis. Cuts to programmes in the country means the government has abandoned women and girls at a time when their rights are deteriorating. 

Reallocating such a huge proportion of UK aid to cover in-country refugee costs has meant the UK is less able to respond and allocate funding to humanitarian crises, which undermines the purpose of UK aid and puts our global credibility on UK aid at risk.  

The government must deliver on its commitment to the Afghan people by reversing cuts to programmes in the country.

Notes for editor  

  1. In March 2022, Bond member Save the Children UK announced the closure of their programme providing education and nutritional support to women and girls in Afghanistan as a result of government cuts to UK aid. 
  1. Bond is the UK network for organisations working in international development. Bond unites and supports a diverse network of over 400 civil society organisations from across the UK, and allies to help eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.  
  1. The Independent Commission for Aid Impact works to improve the quality of UK development assistance through robust, independent scrutiny. 
  1. For further information or interviews please contact Jess Salter at [email protected] or call 07493200979.