Bond statement in response to COVID19 and the impact it is having on NGOs
Graham MacKay, Chief Operating Officer at Bond the UK network for NGOs said:
“Bond is asking DFID to urgently clarify the guidance for those who hold grants or contracts funded by DFID. The situation is impacting humanitarian and development efforts, so it is essential that DFID allows flexibility for grantees so that they can respond to the situation as it unfolds.
COVID19 is also having a major negative impact on their fundraising efforts on NGOs both large and small. Given their humanitarian experience, NGOs are well placed to respond in a crisis and support the communities that they work in. NGOs are a lifeline to many people around the world living in countries with weak public health infrastructure, it is therefore critical that they have the support to tackle the virus and help us eradicate it globally.”
- To read more about Bond’s support and advice to members please click here:
- Bond is the UK network for organisations working in international development. Bond unites and supports a diverse network of over 450 civil society organisations and allies to help eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.
- For further information please contact Maryam Mohsin, [email protected] or 07555 336029
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