Loreine is the executive director of the Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation in the Philippines. CDP is into capacitating and advocating for mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation into the planning process of various government and non-government organizations for risk informed humanitarian and development. CDP pioneered the community-based disaster risk reduction and management training in the country and has been promoting it in the Asia-Pacific region. This training now serves as the foundation in promoting community-led actions in pursuit of community philanthropy and shifting the power. As a representative of her organization, she serves as co-lead convener of Disaster Risk Reduction Network-Philippines and Co-Chair the Philippine Preparedness Partnership. She currently chairs the Southeast and East Asia Regional Advisory Group (RAG) and a member of the Global Board of the Global Network of CSOs for Disaster Reduction (GNDR). Her organization is also active full members of both the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) and the Network for Empowering Aid Response (NEAR).

Loreine B. dela Cruz
Executive director