Funding opportunities

The latest opportunities to procure funding for your project or organisation. Please make sure to read any guidance on the funder's website before applying, as location and eligibility may have changed since publication.

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The Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity

Funds projects in three principal areas: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Low-tech, repeatable schemes involving local communities to improve sanitation, hygiene, access to clean water, and irrigation. Women’s Empowerment: Education, training, reproductive health, safe childbirth, and microfinance initiatives for women. Provision of Recycled Tools and Equipment: Supports access to essential tools and equipment for economic development.

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Only funds registered charities. Does not fund individuals or expeditions except through sponsoring charities. Primarily supports small to medium-sized charities with annual incomes of up to £5 million.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Closing date

Donibristle Trust

Provides grants for the advancement of religion (specifically the Evangelical Christian faith), education, health, and the relief of hardship and disadvantage.

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Open to applications from organisations, groups, and individuals.

Various - see site
Grant size
Closing date

The Sterry Family Foundation

Grants and donations support the advancement of education, arts and culture, amateur sports, promotion of good health, and relief of sickness.

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Invites applications from registered charities. Institutional applicants must submit proposals in a specific format, including a summary and an outline appeal. Applications submitted in the correct format are reviewed against the trust deed and objectives.

United Kingdom, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Uganda, and Kenya.
Closing date

Happel Foundation

The Happel Foundation focuses on alleviating poverty through sustainable development projects which typically focus on food security, health, education, and entrepreneurship, using technology and innovative approaches for greater impact and efficiency. For international projects, they have supported initiatives such as those which improve agricultural practices in Zambia, providing digital healthcare for pregnant women in Kenya, and enhancing financial health in Bangladesh.

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See site

Southeast Asia, East and Southern Africa
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MariaMarina Foundation

Supports organisations that enable disadvantaged and at-risk individuals to live safe, fulfilling, and independent lives through access to education, training, income generation, and social care. The foundation prioritises young people aged 12 to 30, ensuring that at least 50% of the target beneficiaries fall within this age group. Special focus areas include care leavers, the homeless, victims of violence, discrimination or exploitation, and people with special needs.

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The Foundation works with both established and newly registered NGOs that adhere to principles of accountability, transparency, efficiency, and quality. It supports innovative projects with the potential for transformational and far-reaching impact.

UK, South Africa, Bolivia
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Internet Society Connecting the Unconnected

The Connecting the Unconnected funding program supports communities and local organizations working to build and expand Internet infrastructure to connect people living in rural, remote, and low-income areas. This includes initiatives such as community networks, municipal networks, cooperatives, and other forms of complementary access solutions. Communities and local organizations can apply to either build a new complementary access solution to connect the unconnected or expand an existing one.

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Communities and organizations applying must have a clearly identified responsible party for the project, local community support, a sustainability plan, and a goal of connecting local infrastructure to the Internet. Organizations must have an official bank account in their name.

Grant size
Closing date
27 Aug 2025

Fondation Mérieux’s Small Grants Programme

Projects that improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases. The Foundation prioritizes projects with strong local involvement: links with local authorities, local associations, and beneficiaries, especially mothers and children.

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Nonprofit organizations registered for at least three years may apply.

Various - see site
Closing date
01 Aug 2025

L’Oreal Fund for Women

The L’Oréal Fund for Women is a charitable fund launched in 2020 to support frontline organizations in their efforts to help women get out of poverty, prevent domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence against women. The Fund focuses on supporting women and girls’ empowerment, particularly through projects in favour of social or professional integration and education. Specific attention is paid to refugee women and women with disabilities.

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Grassroots non-profit or non-for-profit organizations of general interest, with official accreditation may apply. The organization must not distribute any part of its revenue to members, directly or indirectly. It must have existed for at least two years unless it has a strong, documented, innovative component responding to a specific need. The organization must serve at least 200 beneficiaries per year and be able to issue a tax receipt.

Grant size
Closing date
30 Apr 2025

UNHCR The Nansen Refugee Award

Recognizes individuals, groups, or organizations that have taken extraordinary action in protecting and assisting refugees, internally displaced persons, or stateless people.

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Any individual, group of people, or organization that has shown outstanding dedication and service to people forced to flee their homes or people who are stateless. (Self-nominations are strongly discouraged.)

Grant size
Closing date
07 Apr 2025