Operations and contracts

Is the era of traditional donor funding over?

For decades, NGOs and social enterprises have relied on a stream of grants from institutional donors. However, recent data indicates a shift in funding dynamics, prompting the question: Is traditional donor funding sufficient to sustain impact-driven organisations in 2025 and beyond?
MzN International explores the issue.

How can research support volunteering?

With over 14 million people involved in formal volunteering and 61% charities struggling to recruit volunteers, what can a researcher do to make any meaningful difference to volunteer recruitment. Susannah Pickering-Saqqa introduces Volunteer, Reflect, Grow: Cards to inspire and sustain volunteering, which has been designed to help.

This is the Work (PDF)

29 October 2024 • 

Through consultation with 80+ policy and advocacy staff in international development, we developed resources to support anti-racist and decolonial approaches in policy and advocacy. Designed for staff at all levels, we aimed to create shared understanding with clear definitions and practical guidance.