Harmattan Risk

Our holistic view of security and risk management focuses on the unique relationship between an organisation and its socio-political environment and milieu.

We have three service areas.

Training augments skills in learning how socio-political dynamics and attitudes could affect the organisation or project, and in planning initiatives to forestall or manage potential issues, frictions, and threats. Training can also be tailored for local NGO partners.

Organisational reviews help NGOs to link and streamline the activities which contribute to risk intelligence and planning, with an eye to ensuring organisational cohesion when facing socio-political complexity and adversity.

Our advisory support provides guidance for NGOs’ own risk intelligence and management initiatives, and is a sounding board when an NGO is facing challenging situations and difficult decisions.

Our work is guided by our commitment to ethics and discretion, and by our aim of helping NGOs to achieve positive change through sustaining their own organisational health and integrity.