Bayes Business School (formerly Cass)

Centre for Charity Effectiveness (CCE) Centre for Charity Effectiveness (CCE) is a leading nonproft and philanthropy centre in the UK, part of Bayes Business School (formerly Cass).

We offer a unique blend of multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral expertise that delivers real value for our UK and international clients, delegates and students across the areas of:

• Education

PgDip/MSc Charity Accounting and Financial Management

PgCert/PgDip/MSc Philanthropy, Grantmaking and Social Investment

PgDip/MSc Charity Marketing and Fundraising

PgDip/MSc NGO Management available for online attendance by request

PgDip/MSc Voluntary Sector Management

  • Professional development
  • Consulting
  • Research and knowledge sharing.

The Centre was founded 20 years ago on the belief that the voluntary and community sector should enjoy the benefits of leadership and professional development experienced in the private sector.