Bond manifesto briefing: Major development shortfalls and global system failures

Bond's manifesto briefing paper sets out how the UK should play an active, progressive and ambitious role by scaling up UK aid and working in partnership with global and national actors.

Only through pursuing such action can the UK regard itself as an ambitious, reliable, and equitable development partner.

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Campaigning during a general election - help and guidance

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‌Bond connects, strengthens and champions a dynamic network of civil society organisations to eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.

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Our advocacy work helps our members get their voices heard. We work in many different areas across sustainable development and social change.

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Premium Job Opportunities


Health Adviser- Ethiopia and Nigeria

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

£53,000 - £53,000


Health Adviser

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

£53,000 - £53,000

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