
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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Putting the people in the pictures first (2024 updated version)

25 November 2024 • 

Updated guidance on the process of filming, photography and interviewing, as well as the selection and use of images and stories by NGOs.

This is the Work: reimagining policy and advocacy

6 November 2024 • 

The Advocacy Team, Bond and Peace Direct have built on existing work to address racism and decolonise the system. This is the Work has been co-created with UK policy and advocacy staff with input from diaspora and low and middle income country communities. This webinar discusses how the resources were created and how they can be used.professionals, along with decision-makers, in open reflections on the challenges, opportunities, and their roles in driving change.

This work has resulted in the co-creation of three resources, which will be launched on 28th October:

This is the Work (PDF)

29 October 2024 • 

Through consultation with 80+ policy and advocacy staff in international development, we developed resources to support anti-racist and decolonial approaches in policy and advocacy. Designed for staff at all levels, we aimed to create shared understanding with clear definitions and practical guidance.

This is the Work (web version)

29 October 2024 • 

Through consultation with 80+ policy and advocacy staff in international development, we developed resources to support anti-racist and decolonial approaches in policy and advocacy. Designed for staff at all levels, we aimed to create shared understanding with clear definitions and practical guidance.